Create a global conversation to bridge differences
Don’t Settle for a Divided World
Key words
Intercultural skills, Sustainable Development Goals, Changemaker, Justice, Cultures, Dialogue
About Doha Debates
Doha Debates gives a voice to specialists and young people from every continent in a global conversation to bridge differences and because diverse perspectives lead to innovative responses.
In their debates, videos and podcasts, they try to focus on what connects us rather than what separates us. Doha Debates’ resources aim to share a future for all of Humanity in a Global Citizenship.
Dive deep into pressing global issues with debates, podcasts, #DearWorldLive videos and #Solvinglt portraits. Explore humanity’s greatest challenges (AI, water shortage and climate change, governance, gender equality, racial equality (#DearWorldLive Season 2), the global refugee crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic effects (#DearWorldLive Season 1) and other health crises, etc.), because we can’t find solutions if we don’t understand the problem!
Don't settle for a divided world : be inspired by open, honest conversation on the options available to solve the world’s challenges and build a better future for Humanity. Be part of the solution.
Doha Debates is built on the tradition of Tim Sebastian’s BBC Doha Debates’ original launch in Doha in 2005, and the ancestral Majlis*-style conversation (*assembly, parliament in arabic).
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